10 Things You Need to Know about your Leopard Gecko

A leopard gecko comes from the family of Gekkonidae which originates from Southern Asia, Pakistan and India. It usually measures 6-9 inches. It eats crickets, grubs, and mealworms. A leopard gecko must be given water at all times. It typically survives as a pet in a 10 gallon aquarium and uses newspaper, sand and paper toweling as substrates. This type of gecko should also have something to climb on such as rocks or humidity box. However, the owner should keep its terrarium simple for easy cleaning. Having a leopard gecko as a pet is easy to maintain. It may be a good choice of pet for beginners. Aside from the above information, here are ten more things you should know about a leopard gecko.

  1. This type of gecko has a long life span. It can live for an average of 15-20 years in captivity. Thus, pet owners should be willing to care for this pet for several years.
  2. It does not resent handling unlike other reptiles. However, it is still necessary to hold them properly. Restraining the leopard by its tail can cause it to break off. Although it may regenerate, it will not look exactly the same.
  3. A male leopard gecko has post anal swelling. It has a wider tail base and V-shaped pre anal pores which leads to the vent.
  4. Pet owners should not house two male leopard geckos together. This is due to the fact that they can become aggressive when breeding. They will fight.
  5. Before feeding the gecko with crickets and others, make sure that they are fed with a high quality food. Uneaten crickets should also be removed after many hours. The gecko should also be given vitamin supplements especial calcium and vitamin D. More importantly, only provide your pet with enough food for geckos are prone to obesity. (Click here to find out about Reptile Calcium with D3)
  6. A leopard gecko lives on land. It does not climb, thus, a long and shallow aquarium should be used as a housing unit.
  7. This type of gecko is nocturnal. Thus, it does not need UV-B or Ultraviolet light-B. Pet owners can use an incandescent lamp to supply heat and light in daytime, and a ceramic heater or red bulb at nighttime. (Click here for highly recommended ceramic heater)
  8. This pet requires 40-60 percent of humidity for proper shedding.
  9. If you house a male and female or two female geckos together, increase the size of the aquarium. A 15 gallon aquarium is enough to house a pair and 20 for three.
  10. Lastly, this type of pet needs consistent examination of a veterinarian. It is due to the fact that it may have intestinal parasites which causes more serious diseases and can even be transmitted to people. This can be effectively eliminated by means of fecal examination.

These ten additional information is important for the effective and successfully care and maintenance of pet. Make sure that you understand the above information in order to avoid harming your leopard gecko.